
Exhibitor: Illuminate Frederick

Free To Be HSP: Life Coaching For Highly Sensitive People

Anne Sabagh (Certified Life Coach)

Anne Sabagh is a Certified Life Coach residing in Fairfax, VA. She obtained her Life Coaching Certification through the World Coach Institute, a program accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

Her passion is bringing the trait of being a highly sensitive person or HSP to light, and helping highly sensitive people live their best lives possible despite the overwhelm that accompanies this trait. Empaths may also benefit greatly be working with Anne, as well as people in recovery from codependency.

She is also passionate about working with people with learning differences and helping them to learn invaluable life skills such as time management, budgeting, de-cluttering, minimizing, planning and many other positive life and executive function skills that are needed by everyone to accomplish our daily tasks, but are so rarely taught.

She offers coaching via phone, or in person if you are in her local area.


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