
Exhibitor: Illuminate Nashville

Soul Advancement Path

Anita Knowles
Bob Knowles
Louise Grant
Alyssa Degati

Lori Knowles is the founder of the Soul Advancement Path. She is a clairaudient channel who hears her angelic collective, Lumina. They are a collection of 50 feminine light rays from the angelic realm, Illumination. This high-frequency light essence is present on Earth to help facilitate the grand rebalancing of the masculine and feminine, as well as, assisting all in their spiritual awakening. Lori walks her own Soul Advancement Path by being the 50th light ray of Lumina, anchoring this energy through her physical experience for the benefit of humanity. Lori was mentored by Shelia and Marcus Gillette who are co-founders of the THEO Group Inc. Lori is a certified facilitator of the Soul Integration process. Lori offers private spiritual growth sessions and executive coaching to assist the advancement of spiritual understanding in all areas of our life. Lori’s recently launched her soul cards, Lumina guided meditation CD and her

P.O. Box 160324
Nashville, TN, 37216
P: (917) 523-5365


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