
Exhibitor: Illuminate Columbia

Tranquil Souls

Sondra Lambert
Tammy Stephens
Larry Lambert
Virginia Shelp

We all have an Aura. It is the energetic signature surrounding our physical body that is recognized as ever shifting and changing colors. Some can see Auras naturally, most of us can not. Tranquil Souls gives you the opportunity to answer the question YES when asked ” Wanna See?”
Join us to not only see your Aura , but also get a personal analysis of what the various with charts and graphs can mean for you.

We are also bringing our dosing rods to show you the size of your aura to you. You stand still. think of something happy or not watch the size change. Truly fascinating.

See you there
Your Tranquil Souls Team

Crofton Medical and Professional Bldg
1667 Crofton Center, Suite 4
Crofton, MD, 21114
P: (443) 292-4279


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