
Exhibitor: Illuminate Columbia

Coaching & Energy Healing with Taruna Barber, PhD

Taruna Barber (Coach & Energy Healer)

Taruna Barber, Ph.D. is an experienced, intuitively-guided Life & Business Coach, Energy Healer, and Akashic Records reader. She has 15+ years experience in energy healing, training in numerous energy healing modalities, and a PhD in Clinical Psychology. Taruna combines coaching, energy healing, and Akashic Records readings, to assist her clients in achieving professional and life goals, while growing spiritually and living a life of joy, wellness, peace, and prosperity.

You can find Taruna at the Nourishing Journey booth during the Illuminate Columbia Festival!

P.O. Box 205
Fulton, MD, 20759
P: (240) 200-4556


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