
Exhibitor: Illuminate Nashville

Lynn Rene MacDonald

Lynn Rene MacDonald (Love Energy Channel/Christ Consciousness)

Lynn Rene MacDonald is a channel for love energy in its purest form (Christ Consciousness). She has been this since she was a child. She works with people and pets, in person and over the phone. She is a psychic, medium, medical intuitive, life adviser/counselor, healer, empath, master soul clearer, master of Universal law, teacher, teacher of enlightenment. Lynn can also assist with dream interpretation, guides, animal guides, Angels, soul mission, business advice, and any questions you cannot seem to find the answers for. Lynn can answer those questions.

Lynn's home base is a love energy healing and teaching center, and a higher vibrational metaphysical product and gift shoppe, located in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Lynn's mission is to change this Earth world through true authentic happiness/enlightenment. This IS what she does. This IS who she IS.