
Exhibitor: Illuminate Charleston

Irigenics Ancestral Eye Readings

Amy Gillespie (Founder)
Lynne Adams (Consultant)

Discover the treasure map your ancestors left you in the imprints of your eyes. Irigenics explores your skills, gifts, traumas and repeat patterns so that you can better understand the life you were born to live and the inherent gifts that you can utilize to experience your best life.

An Irigenics reading is a great way to discover all the amazing colors and nuances of you, your life, and the amazing potential you have yet to reveal to the world. 

In a mini-reading we will explore whichever ancestral imprints are calling you to know them, and their stories. We will also discuss early life experiences, in-utero impressions, your personal energy pattern and some tools to help you maneuver your current environment.

Come discover yourself and your ancestors in a whole new way with an Irigenics eye reading.