
Exhibitor: Illuminate Richmond

Healings by Hawkeye

ricardo Noriega (Owner)
Mary Kay Eckert (Co-Owner)

I come from a long line of Curanderos [kuɾanˈdeɾo], (Spanish for healers) . My “education” comes from the knowledge passed down from my ancestors. I was given the name Hawkeye within the first few seconds of my life and it stuck.

I offer the following;

Crystal Energy Healing
Cleansing one’s spirit through the use of crystals. With the elimination toxins this allows a positive white light energy to take its place. The moving of energy begins with a singing bowl, and continues with the moving of spirit guided crystals. at the conclusion, there is a sealing and protection of energy done with a healing rattle.

Intuitive Card Reading
Through the use of Tarot and/or Oracle cards, I am guided by spirit to bring healing, insight and guidance. All of my messages come from a place of light and love all for the greater good.