
Exhibitor: Illuminate Columbia

Maria Petrucci, D.C. (Nourishing Journey)

Maria Petrucci, D.C.

Dr. Maria Petrucci is a chiropractor and craniosacral therapy practitioner, who uses traditional chiropractic techniques and adjuncts for the physical body, as well as mind-body tools for reducing stress and furthering goals. She gives personal attention to patients, offering gentle techniques and individualized treatment for improved physical and mental/emotional well-being. Treatments often also include Applied Kinesiology, massage, and nutritional recommendations and typically run 40 to 60 minutes.
In addition to her chiropractic degree, Dr. Maria has a B.A. in psychology, certification in Reiki I and II, is a graduate of the Baltimore Spiritual Science Center, and is co-founder of the Positive living Network in Mt. Airy, MD.

W: (see practitioner link)

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